Who Can Participate

International Herbal Fair is an annual feature of Bhopal for over a decade now. Initially, it began as a National event, and this annual fair was up-scaled as an International event from 2011. The fair aims to create a platform for showcasing the Minor Forest Produce (MFP) diversity and potential of various states of India and neighbouring countries. It also provides robust marketing opportunities with strong backward-forward linkages for MFP collectors, traders, and manufacturers involved in processing MFP.

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हर्बल मेला पिछले एक दशक से भोपाल की वार्षिक विशेषता है। शुरू में, एक राष्ट्रीय आयोजन के रूप में शुरू हुए इस वार्षिक मेले को 2011 से एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आयोजन के रूप में विकसित किया गया, जिसका उद्देश्य भारत के विभिन्न राज्यों और पड़ोसी देशों की लघु वनोपज (एमएफपी) विविधता और क्षमता को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एक मंच तैयार करना था, ताकि एमएफपी संग्राहकों, व्यापारियों और एमएफपी के प्रसंस्करण में शामिल निर्माताओं के लिए मजबूत बैकवर्ड-फॉरवर्ड लिंकेज के साथ मजबूत विपणन अवसर प्रदान किए जा सकें।

Eligible Participants:

Producers, Manufacturers, Traders, Entrepreneurs

Producers, Manufacturers, Traders, Entrepreneurs, and Packagers of herbal products at local, National, and International levels.

Researchers & Environmentalists

Researchers, environmentalists, and practitioners involved in the field of plant and plant products.

Government Departments & NGOs

Government Departments, Organizations, Institutions, and NGOs involved in promoting cultivation, research, processing, value addition, and trade of herbs & herbal derivatives.

Importers & Exporters

Importers and Exporters of Herbal Products.

Certification Bodies

Certification bodies related to organic, ecological, and sustainable collection etc.

Publishers of Books & Journals

Publishers of books/research journals related to medicinal plants, MFP, and traditional practices.